The 10 most impressive bridges of Catalonia

Catalonia hides many bridges of singular beauty and incomparable charm.

From the cosmopolitan airs of Barcelona to the tradition and magic of cities like Girona or the Roman city of Tarragona. The design of each bridge varies depending on its function and the nature of the terrain on which it is built. In Catalonia we have bridges of all types: modern, old, large, small …

A bridge is a construction that allows you to cross a geographic obstacle like a river, a canyon, a valley, a road, a railroad, or any other physical difficulty. It is in many cases also a perfect frame for your audiovisual productions or photographic shootings.

Read on and find out.

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The old Bridge of Besalú

The bridge of Besalú is the entrance and fortified access to the town of Besalú. The bridge, of medieval origin (12th century) crosses the river Fluvià and is declared of cultural interest. It is the Spanish bridge that most characterize this medieval period.

The total length of the bridge is 135 metres, with a width of 4 metres and a height of 15 metres up to the slope. It has been the scene of several audiovisual projects and it is impossible not to stop to take a photo when you are close.

The bridge of the Devil of Tarragona

El Diablo Bridge, is a Roman aqueduct located on the outskirts of the city, 4km north of Tarragona. The aqueduct was built in the 1st century BC by the Romans, and supplied water from the Francolí River to the city of Tarraco (the Roman name of Tarragona).

It has two arched floors, with 11 arches in the lower floor and 25 in the upper one, with a maximum height of 27 m. and a length of 217 m. An excellent location for audiovisual productions looking for an ancient and majestic air.

The pont de les Peixateries Velles de Girona

In Girona you can cross the river Onyar by more than eleven bridges, and each one of them has a peculiar history. One of the most famous is the pont de les Peixateries or Eiffel Bridge, named to Gustave Eiffel who built it in 1876, years before he constructed the Eiffel Tower.

The Pont de les Peixateries Velles is one of the most representative, it owes that name to the fishmongers settled in this space for several centuries.

It is a metal structure in lattice with edges of 3.50 metres, with a length of 41.50 meters. The pavement of the bridge is at an approximate height of 7 metres above the bed of the river and its width is 2.62 metres. It can be a good option for your next, more futuristic photographic shootings.

The pont Nou de Camprodón

This is an old medieval bridge on the river Ter in the municipality of Camprodón. It is built as a huge single arch, of stone, with a double slope, in total it reaches 66 metres of length. Where the old portal to the región of Cerdanya is located you see, built on the bridge, a tower of defence.

The silhouette of the bridge is one of the characteristics of the town. Near the tower there is a low arch that gives way to the street of San Roque. In the center we find a opening topped with a semicircular arch.

The bridge of Cabacés

This bridge on the river Monsant is located in the region of Priorat and is 38 metres long. It is of medieval origin (14th century) and is totally settled on the rocks.

It has a height of 6 m. and a width of 3 m. It is built with dry stone and has only one arch. Its medieval airs allow to realize audiovisual productions and photographic shootings for all type of marks and products.

The suspension bridge of Amposta

The depth of the river Ebro and the required length were the decisive factors to choose for a suspension bridge. It has a length of 135 metres and the two towers are 24 metres high each. Its width is about 8-10 m. and presents a two lane carriageway (one lane per direction), as well as two side tracks for pedestrians.

The design of the Amposta bridge over the Ebro river reminiscent of other constructions made by other engineers in other parts of the world, for example John Roebling, the constructor of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The Rupit suspension bridge

If you look from this bridge towards the village Rupit i Pruit, you can see the village as a fortress in which the houses make of wall next to the river. This bridge connect both sides of the river by Rupit i Pruit and is one of the greatest attractions of the place. You can not circulate with more than 10 people at the same time because it moves a lot.

The pont Vell of Montblanc

This bridge is built to cross the river Francolí. Still today it is used to cross the river on foot. The bridge of medieval origin (12th century) has four large arches and lateral buttresses adorned with sculptural elements. It has resisted the passage of history, strong floods and wars that have caused its reconstruction on several occasions. It still has its original charm, perfect for your next audiovisual projects.

The Beget bridges

The centre of the town of Beget is formed by three sectors, each separated by a stream and connected to each other by bridges. Through a winding street with an alley you reach the medieval and flirtatious bridges that cross the river at different points. Most houses and streets, constructed of beautiful stones, maintain the original aspect of distant times.

No matter what path you take, you’ll always end up coming to one of this two medieval bridges to cross from one side of the river to the other. The bridges are so charming, you will easely love them!

The bridge of the devil of Martorell

Formerly known as the Pont de Sant Bartomeu. It is of Roman origin and was a part of the Via Augusta. It dates from the 10th century BC approximately, has a length of 130 metres and a wide road.

This foot bridge is built between the Catalan towns of Martorell and Castellbisbal, on the river Llobregat. It is a reconstruction realized in the year 1963 of a gothic bridge of 1295, that, on his turn, was built on the Roman base. It is still a very frequented bridge.

The pont Vell Sant Joan de les Abadesses

This gothic medieval bridge (12th century) gave access to the town. Its large central arch cross the river Ter. It was dynamited in the Civil War and rebuilt. Also known as the bridge of Sant Joan, the name of the town.

The beautiful town of Sant Joan de les Abadesses is located in the Pre-Pyrenees, at 775 meters altitude. The multitude of orchards near the base of the pillars of its bridge make it ideal for your audiovisual productions or shootings of a more rural nature.

The bridge of Calatrava in Barcelona

The white bridge known as Calatrava Bridge is a sculptural engineering work that was built to unite the Sant Andreu and Sant Martí district of the city of Barcelona that was separated by train tracks.

Its advanced design and its luminosity have made it an icon of the city. The twin white steel arches and the four supporting cables that form this emblematic bridge, as well as the points of light that are integrated in the railing and in the road, make this work of engineering a sculptural treasure.

It allows the circulation of both vehicles and pedestrians. Crossing it offers the possibility of enjoying all its expressivity, its lines represent human forms, as well as the visual presentation of the tension of opposing forces, which, controlled, can originate works of engineering like this one.

More information about RVD Media Group.

RVD Media Group is a content creation agency with creative and digital marketing solutions. We bet on great ideas and create strategic moves. We can help you with all types of content, both photographic and audiovisual. Don`t hesitate to contact us.

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