Artistic, cultural and nature surprises in Navarra

Navarra is an Autonomous Community, full of diversity, and it has a lot to offer. Its landscapes, full of contrasts, give you extensive forests to impressive desert landscapes.

Its geographical variety offers you fabulous funds for any audiovisual project, with an interesting artistic and cultural legacy. It will not be easy for you to choose your location, so we’re going to show you a selection of locations that we think you shouldn’t miss.

Do you want to find the best location? Get in contact with us!


Pamplona has a charm that is hard to forget. The city is ancient and modern at the same time. It boasts a great quality of live, with no traffic jams, no smoke and good services. To make your photographic shooting or audiovisual production you can walk between centuries-old walls and through cobbled streets, rest in parks and terraces, savor its delicious skewers, visit historical monuments, go to first class shows or admire local traditional sports like pelota vasca ( Basque ball).

The Irati Forest

With its 17.195 hectares, next to the French border, is it the largest forest in Europe after the German Black Forest. The slopes of the valleys of Aezkoa and Salazar are covered by a beautiful and thick layer of beech and fir trees that surrounds them and protects them like a mantle. In the heart of this magnificent jungle is the Irabia reservoir, the hermitage of the Virgin de las Nieves, the megalithic station of Azpegui, or the Roman tower of Urkulo located. The Irati forest is one of the most beautiful, fresh and impressive forests and ideal for your audiovisual project.


The old hospital, today a hostel for pilgrims, and the House of the Beneficiaries continue to dominate the landscape with their stone walls attached to the imposing Gothic church where the Camino de Santiago begins on Hispanic lands. Through the fog time stops at the slow and incessant pace of the pilgrims, who soon begin to contemplate the sublime landscape that surrounds them. A perfect background for your audiovisual production or photographic shooting.


The slender and harmonious silhouette of its castle-palace dominates Olite, a small town located in the geographical center of Navarra, 42 kilometers south of Pamplona. A tour through the narrow streets of Olite will allow you to capture various locations for your audiovisual project, such as the noble stone houses with coats of arms and grandiose wooden eaves, medieval galleries, splendid churches, and Roman walls.


This village is considered as one of the best preserved walled cities of Navarra. Its walls have a perimeter that adapts to the orographic needs of the land. Even with major reforms in later centuries, Artajona has reached our days as a relic of the defensive constructions of the late Middle Ages, and it is one of the most monumental urban centers of Navarra, full of magnificent houses and churches for your audiovisual production or photographic shooting.


In the south of Navarra, between the overwhelming aridity of the Bardenas and the intense green of the orchards of the Ribera, is Tudela situated, the second city in extension and importance of the territory. Here once lived, for more than 400 years, Muslims, Jews and Mozarabs together, causing a cultural miscegenation reflected in its buildings, twisted alleys, passages, walls and watchtowers that you can use in your audiovisual project.

Foz de Lumbier

Of all the canyons that the rivers, descending from the Pyrenees, carved out in the outer mountains, the most striking one is the Foz de Lumbier. It is formed by the Irati River, very close to its mouth in the Aragón River. The force of the water excavated a narrow and proud canyon of little more than a kilometer in length. Awesome views for your audiovisual production or photographic shooting.

Nacedero of the Urederra River

It is an amazing road, easy to follow, of about 45 minutes, to the source of the Urederra River. You will meet waterfalls, spectacular pools, rocky slopes and a varied forest of beech, ash, lime, maples, hazel trees and holm oaks. It will be difficult to choose where to locate tour audiovisual project.

Bardenas Reales

Navarra is a land of contrasts, and the Bardenas are its most radical end. It is a desert in the north of the peninsula, changing by the erosion that have achieved capricious and changing heads, hills and ravines, accentuated even more by the winter winds, the torrential rains and the summer sultryness. The Bardenas are 415 square kilometers spectacular landscapes between the Aragón and Ebro Rivers. So you will have to inform yourself about their different characteristics before the start of your photographic shooting or audiovisual production. A tip: avoid the Bardenas in summer as temperatures above 37° are reached.

Caves of Zugarramurdi

The village of Zugarramurdi was once a farm of the monastery of San Salvador de Urdax. It is located in an area of Navarra with deep-rooted pre-Christian customs that were a breeding ground for witchcraft. Its nearby caves have long been rumored to have been home to sorcery and other pagan practices. The caves itself were carved by the Olabidea stream which is said to originate in Hell itself, which may be where the stories of witchcraft began. A completely different and mystical location for your audiovisual project.

Photographic sources:

If you want support to find the location that your next projects need, do not hesitate to contact us. Tell us your needs and we will take care of everything. We leave you a link to our portfolio and services so you can think about your next production.
More Information about RVD Media Group.

RVD Media Group is a content creation agency with creative and digital marketing solutions. We bet on great ideas and create strategic moves. We can help you with all types of content, both photographic and audiovisual. Don`t hesitate to contact us.

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