The 10 most beautiful streets in Spain

Wide, long, short and animated. Spain has original streets in its cities and towns

A street is a linear urban space that allows the circulation of people and, in some cases, vehicles. It gives access to the buildings on both sides. Spain is full of modern avenues and boulevards, small passages and shopping arcades, a multitude of alleys that transport us to other eras for your audiovisual production or photographic shooting.

Do you want to find the best location? Get in contact with us!

Calleja de las Flores (Córdoba)

The Calleja de las Flores is located in the neighborhood of the Jewish quarter of Córdoba, and is one of the most picturesque, beautiful and charming streets in Spain, as made for your next audiovisual project. This street stands out for its whitewashed houses with latticed balconies, full of geraniums, and ends in a square with a central fountain, from where you can enjoy the views of the Cathedral tower.

Paseo de los Tristes (Granada)

This is one of the most beautiful and romantic streets, not only in Spain, but in the world. It is a beautiful cobblestone street parallel to the Darro River at the foot of the Alhambra. A picturesque place where you can find historical monuments, charming hotels, restaurants, taverns, pubs or craft shops for your photographic shooting or audiovisual production. Walking through it at sunset is synonymous with beauty and joy. This beautiful and magical place leads to the passage to the Albaicín, the Sacromonte and to one of the entrances of the Alhambra.

Calle Larios (Málaga)

This street, considered as the fifth most expensive shopping street in Spain is also one of the most beautiful pedestrian streets of our country. Strolling through it, contemplating the numerous shop windows on both sides, as well as the sculptures exhibited by renowned artists, is an authentic delight and an ideal location for your audiovisual project. To see it in all its splendor, it is necessary to visit it at Christmas time, when thanks to the lighting it becomes one of the most spectacular streets in Spain.

Calle Betis (Sevilla)

One of the most emblematic streets of the Andalusian capital is Betis Street, on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, surrounded by the Torre del Oro, the Giralda and the Puente de Triana. Its colorful facades, illuminated by the waters of the Guadalquivir, make it an ideal place to stroll day or night, in spring or summer. It will be a perfect backdrop of your photographic shooting or audiovisual production. Admiring the reflection of its colorful facades in the waters of the Guadalquivir is a real joy.

Calle de los Ciegos (Jerez de la Frontera)

Paved floors, white walls, sober trunks that support a roof of leaves that give shade with generosity. These are the elements that shape an ideal street to locate your audiovisual project. The Street of the Blind is the perfect example of how the simplest things are often the most beautiful.

Passeig de Gràcia (Barcelona)

The Passeig de Gràcia is one of the most important avenues of Barcelona, it is surrounded by various modernist buildings such as Casa Batlló or Casa Milà by Gaudí, as well as many other buildings by Domènech i Montaner or Puig i Cadafalch. At present, Paseo de Gracia is one of the most expensive streets in the country, where the most important fashion firms of the world are located. Fashion and luxury for your photographic shooting or audiovisual production.

Calle de Alcalá (Madrid)

Calle de Alcalá is one of the main roads in Madrid, with a length of 10,200 meters, which starts at Puerta del Sol and ends at the O’Donnell road. In this artery in Madrid we find some of the most emblematic buildings and monuments such as the Cibeles fountain, the Retiro Park or the Puerta de Alcalá itself, and it also joins the popular Gran Vía. Modernity and tradition, all in one, for you more urban audiovisual project.

Rúa do Franco (Santiago de Compostela)

Rúa do Franco, in the historic center of Santiago de Compostela, is one of the most visited streets in this city. One of the characteristics of this rúa is that the stone houses preserve the symbol of the shell, symbol of the Camino de Santiago. An iconic location in Spain for your audiovisual production or photographic shooting. Architecture, history and gastronomy come together in this street of Santiago de Compostela.

Calle 31 de Agosto (San Sebastián)

It is the only street in the city that survived the fire of 1813, and it has retained its exclusive architecture as if time had not passed. The New York Times includes it in its list of the most beautiful streets in the world. It is a true spectacular place for your audiovisual project. Bars, restaurants and shops await you at any time of the day or night.

Calle Alfonso I (Zaragoza)

Alfonso I Street, in the old town, is one of the most emblematic ones of the city of Zaragoza. This road connects El Coso with Plaza del Pilar. Among its buildings you can see the beautiful dome of the Basilica del Pilar, an unparalleled fund for your photographic shooting or audiovisual production. For some years it has become a pedestrian area, and a commercial area surrounded by various modernist buildings such as Casa Molins.

Photographic sources:

If you want support to find the location that your next projects need, do not hesitate to contact us. Tell us your needs and we will take care of everything. We leave you a link to our portfolio and services so you can think about your next production.
More Information about RVD Media Group.

RVD Media Group is a content creation agency with creative and digital marketing solutions. We bet on great ideas and create strategic moves. We can help you with all types of content, both photographic and audiovisual. Don`t hesitate to contact us.

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