The Importance of Digital Marketing today in Retail.

A good digital marketing strategy is key for having a healthy retail market.

The main objective of Digital Marketing is to take advantage of the techniques out of the offline world and translate them into the online world by applying different marketing strategies.

In the retail world, companies that have boosted their e-commerce, have verified how fast you can generate income thanks to a series of conditioning factors that digital marketing offers (lower costs, innovation, strategies dedicated to a more specific target or tools that help manage the relationship with the customer).

Although there are still customers who prefer to go to the physical store to see and try the product, more and more online shopping is gaining ground due to technological innovations and the facilities offered by E-commerce (online testers, Augmented reality, virtual mirrors …).

The enormous competition between brands and the existence of a hyper-connected customer, fully informed and more likely to change if he is not offered what he wants, has caused that any brand that values ​​itself, is forced to have an excellent presence online.

Today, more than 5000 retailers in the United States have been forced to close their doors due to the rise of e-commerce and online sales. For these things not to happen it is important in the Retail Marketing, apart from taking care of the image of your physical business, opt for an omnicanal Retail strategy, meaning reaching the customer via a multitude of channels,both online and offline. For this, and as far as the digital section is concerned, it is vital to have an optimized web and or e-commerce in which through its digital content, it is possible to capture customers by providing value through different actions that captures the user`s interest in what you are offering.

Advantatges of Marketing digital:

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Content, an elemental marketing strategy in your online business.

Content is everything, if we talk about digital. An interesting, relevant, useful content that contributes value to the user, helps to position your brand on the internet and is the fundamental piece that helps you build an audience that could become customers.

Content is also the cornerstone of all communication strategies in social networks, email marketing, web and different communication campaigns.

The importance of visual content to create attractive and eye-catching information in your e-commerce will be key to attract the user to your web. The visual element is the key in the brand marketing plan. If the visual content is good, rest assured that it will cause Awareness (recognition of your brand).

The human brain is mainly visual and 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. – “Indie Marketers”

Visual content based on images, infographics, gifs, drawings, graphics, illustrations, maps or videos is widely used by brands in order to reach the user more easily and establish fast connections, increasing engagement and traffic to The web up by 12%. If you want to increase the conversion rate of your e-commerce by 120% it is vital to use video. Furthermore, if we look at Wyzowl’s study, we observe how people tend to remember about 20% of what they read, and only 10% of what they hear. By comparison, the same studies have shown that people tend to remember images 80% of what they see. In short, visual content is the mostshared content and this is a key point when it comes to include it in a good inbound marketing strategy. Today, all digital marketing strategies are based on inbound marketing.

It is a process that requires more time, creativity, work and results monitoring, but it is a much more effective, measurable, economic and an adequate system to the reality of the present.

“85% of users are more likely to buy a product after having seen the content of the product.” – INDI Marketers.
A Clear Example of Optimized E-Commerce: Jules & Jenn

A good example of optimized e-commerce is the French company Jules & Jenn, whose motto is “from our workshops to your closets, we sell without intermediaries at the right price”. With this main objective and its transparency when selling only their handmade products online, we created 3 types of visual content. First the product images in the studio  (bags, belts, purses, shoes for men and women …).Second the exterior images with the product in use. This always makes the difference and is particularly useful in technological, mechanical or assembly products.

Third and final, the images made inside their factories to illustrate the strategy of transparency of the company. For this we visited France, Portugal and Spain. In the website there is a section where we have showcased the history of its three factories located in Elche, Alicante and Oporto. Navigating the page is very easy thanks to its usability. Jules & Jenn is a clear example of a company that has been able to adapt thier strategies aimed at providing customer value and where there is an interaction between user and brand.

Images of the manufacturing process of the Jules & Jenn products in the factories of France, Spain and Portugal.

©Greg Ross – Imágenes

Video: Handmade – women shoes Jules & Jenn

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