Cannes Lions 2017 Festival Awards.

Spain has won 42 “lions” at the Cannes Lions 2017 Festival this year. 15 more awards than last year and 6 less than in 2015, when Spain scored a total of 48 “lions“. This year Spain ended up number 8 in the overall ranking. The prizes received have been 1 Grand Prix, 5 gold, 11 silver and 25 bronzes.

The “Patria” advertisement produced by Vimema Productions for the Erotic Show in Barcelona has been awarded as the best Spanish spot of the year, winning a silver lion in the category of the Grand Prix film, while the prize for the best advertisement in the world went to “We’re the superhumans” from Blink Productions for Channel 4. Below you can see these two ads.

Video: “Patria”, advertising spot of the erotic Salon of Barcelona.

Video: “We’re the superhumans” advertisement, from Blink Productions for Channel 4.

Creative advertising …. The queen of advertising.

Creative advertising is a breath of fresh air in these times and have proven to be more effective than traditional advertising and is more emotional, surprising and funny for the user. 83 percent of people say they love advertising when it’s creative.

The importance of the image within this type of advertising has become one of the most important factors within the content and that is because historically, the human being a primarily visual. We have already mentioned this in our article on the importance of digital marketing in retail, but it is good to remember that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual and that we process images up to 60,000 times faster than texts and this is mainly due to our capacity in retaining the images.

And if we talk about an advertising image, creativity plays a very important role since it is the most determinant factor on sales objectives and results.

We process images up to 60,000 times faster than texts – “Puromarketing.com”


Here are some examples of creative advertising and if you like, in this link you can  see many more.

Most companies are in constant search for novelties when it comes to surprise the public and they are looking for creativity to make an impact in a direct way with the objective of attracting customers in a more ingenious and funny way, resulting being  most effective when it comes to make a difference within the competition. The visual impact will be decisive in the success of the message that the company wants to transmit and this is where creative advertising is very important.

We live in a society where emotions have a lot to say. Surprised, excited, cheered or having fun we normally and usually react with a simple smile. For this reason, when you find examples of creative advertising like the ones we are showing you in this article, it is easy for your face to show a slight smile or even some laughter.

publicidad creativa: dientes como bolos en anuncio

The masters of this type of advertising are the creative ones, people who have analytical and strategic capacity, ample knowledge of the business and of the consumer and capacity to narrate histories with sensitivity.
In Spain we also have some known advertising creatives, one of them is Toni Segarra, author of the very well known advertisement “Mano” of BMW, or “Pipín”, the dog that left home, or “A que huelen las nubes?” On a well-known brand of compresses, among many others.

In this very interesting article made by marketingdirecto.com you can see who were the best creatives of the advertising industry of 2016 according to Business Insider. Some of them have also received awards from the Festival of Creativity Cannes Lion, we will talk about below.

“If you eat advertising, you’ll make it look like advertising. If you see Matrix you will end up doing Matrix ads “- Philippe Rouger, milmilks project coordinator.
Cannes Lions … the Festival of Creativity.

From the 17th to the 24th of June, the 64th edition of the International Creativity Festival, known as Cannes Lions, is held every year in Cannes, bringing together thousands of people and hundreds of talks and events for creative people.

During the days of the festival, professionals in communication, marketing, design and technology from more than 90 countries will meet to learn, network and discover the latest technology in advertising.

Video: Cannes Lions Festival 2017

This year the Festival will place special emphasis on creativity within the communications of the pharmaceutical and healthcare community (Lions Health).

It will also focus on start-ups where investors and creatives will observe how data and technology can act as catalysts and facilitators of creativity and discover the latest developments in technology (Lions Innovation).

Finally, filmmakers, record label and television executives, sports promoters and video players will focus on talks about the future of entertainment and the role that brands will play within it, with the role of creative (Lions Entertainment).

Video: “A day in Cannes with André Ferraz, Founder and CEO at Loco Media.”

The Festival this year joins Accenture Interactive to bring new initiatives that combine technology with real-world networking, for this reason they have created two important platforms. The first of these is known as Braindates and is a highly innovative networking and learning platform that encourages the global community of Cannes Lions to meet and learn from each other. A connection between the right people through the new Connections Beach that allows people to connect with each other and book individual networking sessions in which they share passions and knowledge.

The second platform presents The Connect Band, a piece of wearable technology that serves to facilitate the exchange of digital data among Festival attendees, such as contact information and other data of interest that you can download directly on your smartphone.

Cannes Lions presents these two platforms with the clear objective of combining digital connections with the real world, helping to remove barriers and connect people to have meaningful conversations in an easy and funny way.

Finally we can not forget the Meet Ups, which this year includes twice as much as in Cannes 2016, specifically 24 there will be this year, organized by industry experts who will facilitate the conversations generating ideas and connecting to a global community that is focused on a common goal: the creativity.

This year there is a lot of competition to win an award at the Cannes Lions Festival. Do you dare to make your predictions?

Video: Gold Award Winning Announcement at Cannes Lions 2016.Old Spice “Rocket Car”

Agency: Wieden + Kennedy Portland
Production Agency: Biscuit Filmworks Los Angeles / The Mill Los Angeles / Revolver / Will O’Rourke Sydney

We take advantage of this article on creative advertising to launch our #DONTTELLYOURBOSS advertising campaign. When you see it, surely you feel like coming to produce in Barcelona.

This year, the festival has had a total of 41,170 registered campaigns of which 1,223 were Spanish. The company Burger King has been the most awarded with a total of 25 lions, of which 2 are Grand Prix.

As for the Spanish agencies, Y & R leads the list with 8 lions obtained, followed by The Cyranos McCann Barcelona with 7 and MRM // Mc Cann Madrid and Shackleton with 4.

The Gran Prix Digital Graft award was for “Real time Virtual Reality experience” by Björk, whose exhibition “Björk Digital” is now to be seen in Barcelona.

Graphics Source: Reason Why

We take advantage of this article on creative advertising to launch our #DONTTELLYOURBOSS advertising campaign. Barcelona is for many reason the place to produce your next campaign 😉

More information about RVD Media Group.

RVD Media Group is a content creation agency with creative and digital marketing solutions. We bet on great ideas and create strategic moves. We can help you with all types of content, both photographic and audiovisual. Don`t hesitate to contact us.

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