Luz S
Born 27 years ago at a valley in the Argentinian Patagonia, Luz Soria started to discover the fusion between images and words through children books when she was a little girl.
At 17 years old she moves to the city of Cordoba to start her college studies. After four years of studying Psychology, there is something at a creative level pushing her inside so she moves to Buenos Aires. In 2010, Luz meets Photography over there and after a basic course she studies the career of Photography Maker at the Instituto Municipal de Artes Fotográficas y Técnicas Audiovisuales. Soon, she is interested in Fine Art & Fashion Photography.
Later on, she studies Fashion & Advertsing Photography with Aldo Bressi and, simultaneously, makes her first essays in 35mm, committing herself to several Fine Art projects.
During 2013, she continues her studies and decides to travel to Europe in search of new spaces with unknown references. A year later, she decides to register in the career of Photography Direction at the Nueva Escuela de Diseño y Comunicación in Argentina to have an official degree that allows her to deliver classes in the future.
Constantly educating, it has been three years since she works as a photographer in several areas without leaving her Fine Art projects behind.
In 2015, she arrives to Spain to show her portfolio and keep looking for interesting work to participate in.