The importance of images as a trend in Social Networks for 2018

The end of the year is approaching and with it, the time to start designing new strategies, which in 2018 will allow you to improve your business, reach more customers or, of course, increase your profitability.

In 2018, companies and brands will make a great effort to generate the maximum visual content for their profiles, a content that must be attractive to their consumers: photos, videos, emoticons, motion graphics, animated gifts and all kinds of interactive content that get the attention of users of social networks. For brands and companies that use social networks, images are the ideal type of content to capture the attention of consumers in these social platforms. Users respond positively to this type of visual content, which achieves a high degree of commitment compared to other content.

At RVD Media Group we can help you with graphic and audiovisual content on your social networks. Request a quote!

What is the success of the images?

A picture is worth a thousand words … That has always been said. Nothing is more true since it is increasingly easy to share images online. The use of images in social networks is one of the most important tools to increase our engagement. The success of the images that are shared in social networks is to transmit ideas and feelings in a much faster and direct way. For this reason, it is essential to define well what image is appropriate for each social network and for each audience depending on the intention of each publication. The images seek to convey an emotion and incite action.

The use of images in social networks helps consumers quickly recognize the brand, and also identify with it. Reaching the reader in a few seconds and getting your publication extra attractive makes you stand out from the rest of the publications. The relationship between brands and consumers is encouraging that many companies are motivating their customers and users to share their own photos on social networks where they show how they interact with their products or services. This content works quite well and increases the commitment, making the brand much more visible.

The visual content is King

Our brain assimilates the information that comes to us more easily, for the simple reason that it is easier to process and understand. For this reason, almost 90% of the information that our brain receives is visual and we retain in memory more than 80% of the things we see. You can use all types of images that you can think of: HD photographs, infographics, vector images, images with phrases, etc. Any of these visual tools can allow you to stand out from your competition. Design has become an obligation, transmit quality through your images and visual content is a basic to win the trust of customers, suppliers, partners and investors. Do not lose this chance!

In social networks, publications containing an image are shared twice as often as those that do not. Thus, it can also be said that publications that use infographics work much better than those that pose questions, lists, etc.

What will be the keys to success in 2018?

  • Use the ephemeral content, which disappears in a few hours. Users are more attentive because they know they can lose the opportunity if they do not see it when it is available.
  • Trust the recommendations of users, if they are influencers the better, to convince the rest of consumers of the benefits of your products / services.
  • Live broadcasts are gaining more and more ground. Direct contents without filters in real time will strengthen the relationship with and the interaction of users.
  • Give great importance to visual content. More than 3.2 million images are shared on social media every day.

Thus, the plan is to develop and promote content that strengthens our current customers and encourages them to continue counting on us, as well as attracting new ones.

Adapt the image to the Social Network

As important as accompanying the content in social networks with an image, is knowing how to choose the appropriate image based on the social network in which we are going to communicate, otherwise we would be producing an inverse effect to what we want. Therefore, it is important to know the requirements of each social network in terms of quality and characteristics of the image. The most common is, of course, to choose a photograph that illustrates our article in the best possible way. However, keep in mind that it is not the only option. Conceptual art offers us a great variety of creative and striking ways to illustrate our texts.


This network of images has, during 2017, consolidated its role in the field of social media thanks to creative images and high quality. Considered an essential showcase for any brand or business that is needed, Instagram will advance in 2018 in the eternal promise of helping companies to sell their products and services. For this, after more than a year of testing, it seems that in the coming months they could finally launch price labels that, discreetly, could be included in the articles of a company that appear within their images. The image recognition, with which one select specific objects within any photo, and the geolocation, not only for photographs but also for Stories or augmented reality and 360 degree videos, as in Facebook, seem to be the main protagonists for the next year of the most photogenic social network.


For 2018 it seems that offering personalized immersive experiences will be the goal of this social network, an objective in which augmented reality and virtual reality will be especially important.

If you are interested in a photographic or audiovisual production to create content for your brand’s social networks, do not hesitate to contact us. We here leave you a link to our portfolio and services so you can see some of the work we have done so far.
More Information about RVD Media Group.

RVD Media Group is a content creation agency with creative and digital marketing solutions. We bet on great ideas and create strategic moves. We can help you with all types of content, both photographic and audiovisual. Don`t hesitate to contact us.

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