Free soccer fields in Barcelona for your audiovisual project

Many of the best soccer players in the world have street DNA. They took their first steps after a ball through the parks and the grounds they had near home.

100% free access areas where, as usual, they could meet their friends. And in Barcelona we also have! Cement, two goals – or four pieces of clothes as posts -, lines, a ball and … play !.

Outdoor sports courts are ideal locations for audiovisual productions or more urban photo shootings related to sport or casual fashion. Here we present some of those found in the city of Barcelona so you can choose the one that suits best your needs.

Do you want to find the best location in Barcelona? Get in contact with us!

Ciutadella Soccer Court

Near the most famous park in the city and sharing the wall with the Municipal Sports Center of the neighbourhood, this classic street court rises in the Paseo de la Circunvalación. Gray cement, red and white goals without net and sun-drenched. A good location for your audiovisual project.

It is always open, so if you prefer to play alone or to record quietly, it is best to go in the morning or at noon. Keep in mind the days are very hot and sunny, there are no trees or a way to find shade nearby. Take protection, cap and others.

Park of the Pegasus

In the Parque de la Pegaso you will find one of the most active playgrounds in the city with four baskets, two goals and a volleyball area. Several sports are mixed here and in addition, the park has corners for all tastes.

Areas full of trees and others wide open, to let you bathe in the sun. The best, however, is the water channel that surrounds the entire space and that is crossed by different bridges that will make you feel like you are in a small adventure. A different location with a lot of options for your photographic shooting or audiovisual production.

Diagonal Mar Park

Concrete arms that are like waves, a lot of grass and, in the background, a mixture of immense, modern blocks and large chimneys that recall the factory’s past in the neighbourhood. In this most diaphanous area of the Diagonal Mar Park, right next to Selva de Mar, we find the ‘games’ area.

A cement playfield with a goal on each side, painted yellow and black, sand around, and no obstacle that blocks your way. There are no marked lines, it’s street football! Another of the most original locations for your next audiovisual project!

Clot Park

This field is, possibly, the biggest free cement court in Barcelona. This is how the concrete esplanade of El Clot Park is presented to us. Here you can make a good game of eleven against eleven with public included. A handful of steps surround the track and serve as an improvised stand.

It has three goals that are basically arcs, only one net is conserved and there are two basketball baskets. When matches of both disciplines come together it can be a bit chaotic. If what you need are matches with public for your audiovisual production or photographic shooting, this is your place.

Bogatell beach

The combination of sea, sand and soccer is always a good idea. In Playa del Bogatell is an area designed to play football with two iron arches that act as goals. Running on the sand with the sea in the background and the city on the other side is quite an experience.

A totally different location for your audiovisual project at any time of the year.

Turó de la Peira Park

From the Turó de la Peira Park you will see Collserola and the sea and you can climb up to a viewpoint located at a height of 140 metres. Between its paths, its green and its domino tables, there is also an ideal esplanade to touch the ball.

In principle it is designed to play volleyball but, normally, there is no net so … Let the game begin! Sports with views for your photographic shooting or audiovisual production.

Gardens of the Maternitat

They are an oasis. Gardens where you breathe tranquility and relaxation. In this park everything is harmonious, it was built to make life more pleasant for the users of the health care center that it was originally. The soccer field seems totally out of place, but we are going to take advantage of it.

Two goals and a basket for basketball. In addition, the space is well surrounded by a net that will help you that the ball does not go too far away. Most of the time it is quiet, ideal to record your audiovisual project.

Campus of the Industrial School of Barcelona

There is a grass soccer field, you have to pay a small fee and you have to book in advance. There is also a green sports court, lines of all sports imaginable and beautiful red and white goals.

Although the entrance seems closed, on both sides, the net that surrounds it opens to make way. At the exit, you find a water faucet to refresh you. A location in the middle of the Eixample for your photographic shooting or audiovisual production.

Park of the Trinitat

To the Park of the Trinidad one goes, first, to do a little sport and later, a good barbecue. You can play basketball, there are two tennis courts and, also, an area that serves to play frontón (pelota Basque) but also football. In the blue wall you draw three lines and you already have the goal.

Very different locations for all types of audiovisual projects. Take advantage of it, it offers all in one place!


It is a fusion between football and table tennis. Born in Barcelona, the thing is to pass a ball on both sides of the table, letting the ball be football only once and than hitting it with any part of the body except the hands. You will find it in the Plaza de las Glòries. Very different from the rest, but will it be the key to your next audiovisual project?

If you want support to find the location that your next projects need, do not hesitate to contact us. Tell us your needs and we will take care of everything. We leave you a link to our portfolio and services so you can think about your next production.
More Information about RVD Media Group.

RVD Media Group is a content creation agency with creative and digital marketing solutions. We bet on great ideas and create strategic moves. We can help you with all types of content, both photographic and audiovisual. Don`t hesitate to contact us.

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